Hurry - enrollment ends Friday, July 28th!

A one-of-a-kind nutrition program designed for spinal cord injury + paralysis

In Poop Easy with Paralysis™ you'll learn how to have an easier, quicker bowel program, giving you more freedom to do the things you love!
Join Now

This program is for you if...


  • You spend hours every week doing your bowel program
  • You want to lose inches off your belly (hint: you're full of poop!)
  • You dream of the day you're not painfully bloated and uncomfortable
  • You want to increase your energy level and just feel better
  • You are ready to get off of laxatives - and maybe even suppositories, too
  • You want to reduce muscle spasms, bladder leaks, and nerve pain
  • You are SICK of worrying all the time about poop!!!

Real life results from 

Poop Easy graduates:

By the end of this program, you will…


  • Know how to eat a gut-healthy diet that helps you poop easier
  • Understand how to balance your fiber and fluid intake so you can poop faster
  • Be able to practice meal hygiene techniques to reduce bloating
  • Learn what supplements support an easier bowel program
  • Re-evaluate whether you need to continue using laxatives and suppositories

Above all else, Poop Easy with Paralysis will help you create a better eating and lifestyle habits so you can spend less time worrying about your bowel program. Imagine confidently leaving your home to do fun things because you have a reliable, easier bowel routine... 

After finishing the program, you will have the freedom to choose how to spend your time because your bowel program won't be a time-sucking hurdle in your daily life. You can spend more time with family and friends, make plans in advance, travel, go on dates, and so much more!

2 Options to Poop Easy with Paralysis 


Online course + Bonuses

Pay once

Buy for $497


Online Course + Bonuses

3 installments

3 payments of $166

"My partner has been paralyzed for 20 years. It got to the point where he was in the bathroom from 9 am to 3 pm sometimes.


We missed out on so many things, and he was often late for work. Sitting on the toilet so long was also horrible for his skin.


Now my stubborn man is out of the bathroom in less than an hour. I'm so freaking happy we have our lives back!"


- anonymous couple who completed Poop Easy with Paralysis 

Here's how

Poop Easy with Paralysis™ works:

In this online course, you will gain access to four video modules (with numerous lessons inside) that teach you literally everything you need to know about creating a better bowel program that fits in with your life, instead of having to fit your life around your bowel program.

  • Module 1: Gut-Healthy Habits
  • Module 2: Eat Right, Poop Easy
  • Module 3: Gut-Brain Connection 
  • Module 4: Probiotics, Prebiotics & Supplements


Plus, you'll also get 2 

✨AWESOME✨ Bonuses!


Bonus #1:

8 weeks of meal plans with recipes and grocery lists to help you poop faster & easier!

Bonus #2:

6 Month Membership to the private Poop Easy Facebook community

Spend 6 months in my private group where we will answer all your questions about the program and support you as you make you way through the course.

More Praise for Poop Easy:

"I went from feeling extremely bloated and only going to the bathroom once or twice a week, to now feeling so much more energetic. And I go to the bathroom every single day!

- Asa S.


"I go every day now, naturally. I lost over 12 inches from my waist. I cut my bowel program down from 1 1/2 hours to just 20 min. Sometimes it only takes 10 min!"

- Gareth D.



"I've regulated my bowels just with nutrition, and I know how to stay consistent. I stopped using suppositories and senna, and my bloating is gone."

- Nikki W.



"I cut my bowel program down from 3 hours to 45 min. It's life-changing! Fatimah saved my life. I am eating so much better, and my health is improving."

- Leon H.


"My bowels used to be a major cause of stress. This program taught me how to eat right so I can be more regular and live independently for many years to come."

- Tammy W.

"I'm down to a 30 inch waist and there's no more bloating - I feel so much better! I think every paraplegic and quad needs this program.

- Andrew H.


Plus You’ll Be Backed by a Risk-Free 14 Day Guarantee

Let me say this upfront.

Poop Easy with the Paralysis™ is the first nutrition program of its kind, designed especially for people with spinal cord injury and paralysis who want to improve their bowel health. This method has already helped hundreds of my clients, and now it’s available to you.

This program is intended for people who are excited and COMMITTED to changing their eating and lifestyle habits so that they can have an easier bowel program.

Our community will be full of highly motivated, helpful, and super-supportive members who are also living with paralysis and working towards improving their bowels. When you join, you will be a part of this special group.

Now here’s the kicker.

By the end of these 14 days, you’ll have received access to all of the online course materials, including the meal plans. 

Meaning, you’ll have had the opportunity to learn more about the Poop Easy with Paralysis™ method from inside the program.

If you don’t feel totally confident and motivated by this innovative new way of approaching bowel health (and your ability to incorporate the methods into your own life), simply reach out, show us you’ve put in the work, and we’ll refund your investment. Full details here.

Are you Ready to...


  • Claim back hours of your life that your bowel program is stealing from you?
  • Say goodbye to the days of being painfully bloated?
  • Reduce muscle spasms and debilitating nerve pain?
  • Be able to confidently leave your house to travel, go on dates, and spend time with friends & family? 


These are all the things my husband, who's a C6/7 incomplete quadriplegic, is able to do because he straightened out his bowel program! He recently took a solo trip, flying on his own, which was only possible because he has a regular bowel program.


Seeing others in our community struggle while my husband and coaching clients are able to live their lives to the fullest is what inspired me to create the Poop Easy with Paralysis program.


I hope you'll join so you can gift yourself more FREEDOM and a better quality of life.


There are a lot of things out of our control with paralysis, but improving your bowel program isn't one of them!

Enroll in Poop Easy with Paralysis 


Online course + Bonuses

Pay once

Buy for $497


Online Course + Bonuses

3 installments

3 payments of $166